Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday 13

I really like this meme. I mean really. It fills my need for lists and gives me a schedule so I don't neglect my blog (like I did after a 2 week vacation in August when I went to visit it and wondered why it hadn't been updated.) It gives me a chance to share my thoughts and expound on stuff that I hadn't thought about that hard. But this isn't the topic of today's Thursday 13 (mostly because I ran out of stuff at 5)

Today's topic is......sewing. I like to sew, I have been doing it since I was a kid but didn't really take off with it until I was in high school. I taught my son to use the sewing machine at 4 (my daughter at 5) . So I present 13 reasons why sewing is useful.

  1. I get to use my creativity.
  2. I am making something that can be used by my family.
  3. When I get the fabric for free, I can make new clothes for the kids for the cost of my time.
  4. On patterns that I know backwards and forwards, I can whip them out in no time.
  5. My kids (and family) appreciate homemade stuff.
  6. I can sell some of the stuff I make and earn a little extra money.
  7. I can do it at home without having to send my kids away.
  8. I can make things that actually fit my super skinny boy without being too babyish.
  9. I can make things that fit my daughter that are not hoochie
  10. Sewing makes it easy for people to shop for me, they just buy gift certificates to fabric stores.
  11. It is kinda cool to know how to fix that expensive outfit you bought when it rips the 3rd time you wore it.
  12. My kids love when people ask where they got their pants, shirts, dresses and they get to say "Mama made it for me."
  13. I can't hear people calling for me when the sewing machine is going. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday 13

I love lists so this meme might become a weekly thing.

13 reasons I love my husband (probably should save this for nearer to Valentine's Day but why waste love) -- in no particular order...

  1. He provides well for our family.

  2. He is steadfast.

  3. He plays with the kids.

  4. He gives me insight into things that I never really think about.

  5. He plays a mean guitar.

  6. Sometimes he can break things down well enough to explain stuff to the kids.

  7. Sometimes he needs to to translate for him, or them.

  8. He buys me all the yarn or fabric I could want, never having said, "Don't you have enough?"

  9. He is supportive for homeschooling even if he thinks I am too easy on the kids.

  10. He eats what I make for dinner before he critiques it.

  11. He talks to me about his game or work even though he knows I don't understand it.

  12. He listens to my concerns, worries or venting and only tries to give a solution if I ask for one.

  13. He loves me.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

5 fingers of thanks

On the eve of another trip to the hospital for Girlie, I found this meme and I feel the need.

  1. I have a wonderful and loving family.

  2. We have medical insurance that has made all these Dr. visits and what not affordable.

  3. My husband has a great job that he enjoys.

  4. I get to homeschool so my kids learn how important family is.

  5. I have enough food that I don't have to make the trip to BJ's until Wed. at least.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


We are working on a money lapbook (I will post later with the resources for that) but one of the minit books asks the kids to list what is a necessity and what is a luxury. It was very interesting to hear the discussions that took place as we figured out what we need and what we want, plus how to reconcile some thing that really do belong in both categories.

  • Food
  • water
  • a home
  • electricity (for heat since we use electric heat)
  • a car (necessary for us as we live 5 miles from town and there is no public transport option, a Luxury for Oma who lives in the city with buses and the ability to walk where she wants to go)
  • a job
  • gas (to make the car go LOL)
  • education
  • clothes

  • Wii
  • computers
  • TV
  • sushi
  • nerf guns
  • homeschooling
  • soda

Things that are both- ie we could do without but they make life worth living

  • Daddy's guitar
  • yarn (originally a necessity according to Girlie because it makes clothes to keep us warm)
  • field trips
  • ice cream
  • cell phone

Originally the Guitar was on the luxury list but when Hubby came home at lunch and saw what we were working on he insisted on the third category and he did a great job explaining the importance of the third category- "it makes your soul happy and if your soul isn't happy there isn't a point to living"

I love when Hubby shows that side of himself.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Question of the week

I saw this over at Wayzley and though I should do it too.

What activities outside of Homeschooling are your children involved in? (also include kids ages please)

How important do you think having your kids in extra-curricular activities is?

Would your kids do less, more or the same amount if they were in a traditional school setting?

My answers:
This is hard for me to answer since everything we do is part of homeschooling. Both my kids (8 and 6) do scouts, art and a cooking class and at the moment that is it. In the past they have done Gymnastics, swimming lessons and soccer.

I think it is important to do outside activities, I would love to have Boyo in Gymnastics or Rock climbing. I would love to have Girlie in a drama class. But the money isn't there for Gymnastics and Girlie isn't old enough for the play productions in my area.

If my kids went to traditional school I think they would only do scouts or scouts and one other thing since traditional school takes up so much time that even if I was working and could afford it, there wouldn't be time to do it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday 13

I saw this meme and it spoke to me. Will it speak to you?

Make a list of 13 things you like about homeschooling:
  1. I see my kids for more than a couple hours a day
  2. I can celebrate their triumphs and help with their weaknesses
  3. I get to learn all kinds of new stuff.
  4. We stay in our PJ's as long as we want.
  5. Play dates that happen during the day so that night time is for family
  6. Seeing the love and respect my kids have for each other
  7. New books, new manipulatives
  8. Field trips!
  9. Co-ops and shared teaching
  10. Not being tied down to a schedule if something more fun turns up.
  11. Play dates that involve whole families so that no one is left out.
  12. Creative learning time (Mythbusters marathons count as school, hours spent arranging and decorating a doll house can count as school)
  13. Being with my kids!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Civil War

We have been working on a Civil War Lapbook after an impromptu trip to Gettysburg PA to see the battlefield.

When we are finished I will try and post pictures of the completed project but in case I forget here are the resources I used. They might be helpful.

Lapbooks Parts:
Dynamic 2 moms
Wonderful, even-handed approach. We used many of their components. Boyo used the Gettysburg address for copywork.
-Causes for war
-Other names for the war
-Famous people North and South
-Clara Barton
-Harriet Beecher Stowe
-Matthew Brady
-Gettysburg Address
-Cotton Gin
-Cotton Boil
-Harriet Tubman
-Slavery and the road to war

Homeschool Share
We used a few from here. Not a bunch since Dynamic Moms was so complete.
- Buglers
- Uniforms
-Eat like a soldier (involves cooking)
- Hardtack and Johnny Bread Recipes

Then there were the books from the Library :

Harriet Tubman, a woman of courage / by the editors of Time for kids ; with Renee Skelton.
Minty : a story of young Harriet Tubman / by Alan Schroeder ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney
An apple for Harriet Tubman / by Glennette Tilley Turner ; illustrated by Susan Keeter
Harriet Tubman : the life of an African-American abolitionist / by Rob Shone & Anita Ganeri ; illustrated by Rob Shone.
Dadblamed Union Army cow / Susan Fletcher ; illustrated by Kimberly Bulcken Root

Red Legs : a drummer boy of the Civil War / by Ted Lewin
Charley Waters goes to Gettysburg / Susan Sinnott ; photographs by Dorothy Handelman

These 2 books are about a re-enactment, and as re-enactors this very inspiring and made lots of sense to my kids.

The Battle of Bull Run / by Deborah Kops
Welcome to Addy's world, 1864 : growing up during America's Civil War / written by Susan Sinnott

DVD- Harriet Tubman [videorecording] / NEST Family Entertainment and Rich Animation Studios

There were many more books but these are the ones I haven't returned yet. Since we live very close to Gettysburg there was an ample supply of books to choose from at the library.

Last trip to the Hospital

The last time I posted about going to the Hospital was a couple days before Girlie's first visit. Now the night before her 3rd visit, it seems that we are old pros. Girlie is excited to go (can you believe that?) Thank Heavens for the Doctors and Nurses as they have been wonderful each and every time.
The medicine they give her seems to make her not remember much of anything after taking it until hours later when she is back home. I love that!! The first time on it she saw fairies for about 2+ hours. The second time she seemed to come out of it quicker and there were no fairies. I think that was because of the IV. We will see how she does with it tomorrow.
I really commend the Doctor and the hospital staff. They have gone above and beyond to make this an easy deal for Girlie and me.
Please tomorrow morning send good thoughts our way as we go though what is hopefully the last test.