Friday, May 29, 2009
I love that each lesson is on one thing. Not tons of words or lists of words with topics and confusion but literally 1 thing. Lesson 1 introduces "Nauta," which means sailor by the way, and that is it for lesson 1. By lesson 3 you are making sentences, not great huge things but simple stuff like "Sum nauta" (I am a sailor.) When we combine lessons 1-5 with a couple words I remembered from Minimus we were able to make more sentences.
We are not teaching the kids Latin so that they will get a better grasp of grammar (though it won't hurt I guess) or so they can have an easier time when they move to Spanish (still a good thing). We are teaching them Latin so that they will have a bigger vocabulary and score better on their SATs. Well that and it is more fun to hear Paene advenimus? rather than Are we there yet?
To go with our Latin, I made a notebook page to keep track of the words we learn. It is designed with 2 sheets on one page. I printed off about 10 pages worth of sheets (10 words) and cut them into half sheet pages. Then they were bound into a small book that the kids decorated to give them a sense of ownership. You can do as I did or keep them 2 on a page and just hole punch and put into a binder. Whatever works for your family.
The link to the Notebooking Page:
Please if you use my stuff. Leave me a comment so I know it was useful to someone. Thanks!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Home from Sapphire Joust
He fought double sword the entire tournament and did exceptionally well with them.
And he won the division!!
Boyo with his prize, a treasure box full of chocolate. There was a bit of a mix up at the first court but it was all straightened out and Boyo had a large cheering section with Heads and Anglesey there to support him. The populous made funny comments when he walked down to the Baron and Baroness. Silly things like "Awww, he's so little" "look how cute he is!"
Then when Boyo took a knee in front of the Excellencies (he all but disappeared from sight given his size, hopefully Ursas got a picture of that) There were more Awws.
It was a wonderful presentation for Boyo and he was so proud!!
Some of the mix up was because Boyo wasn't identified as Hubby's son. All the paper work on him was under my name so Boyo is trying to decide on a medieval name.
His choices...
A. Boyo of Headclan
B. Boyo Borsson
C. Boyo the conqueror.
Personally I am voting for A or B as Girlie could be Girlie of Headclan or Girlie Borsdotter.
Log your vote and I'll try and convince the boy.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Birds Lapbook

Sick kid is better so here is the bird Try-it lapbook I have been working on. This one is a bit different from the Chemistry one in that it is more fleshed out for a homeschool unit. I added some minit books based on Konos activities in addition to the activities for the try it.
For the try-it requirements-
For the lapbook- Lapbook for unit and try-it
I hope you like it and please leave feedback if you pick it up. It is nice to know that someone else is using my stuff.
More bird related good stuff- Part of the way down the page.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Lapbooks and sick kids
Friday, May 15, 2009
Public Apology
I am horribly, terribly sorry that your birthday gift (that had problems right from the get go) is suffering from SSS.
For those of you not in the know, this is Second Sock Syndrome. It is what happens when you try a new pattern that can't be done 2 at a time and while it is a fun and interesting pattern, it is tedious the second time though.
So, sister dear, even though I love you and cherish that you took time out of your busy week to visit Girlie when she was in your neck of the woods, your gift has been set aside for the quick feel good of ribbing on the monster sweater for hubby. My hope is that I will get bored of ribbing soon and the second sock will revive my interest. If not, I set the goal of completing them by Pennsic.
So next stop Amazon. Thank you for setting up a wish list for those of us who have SSS and planning issues.
You loving sister
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Chemistry Try-it

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Scouting - Homeschool style

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Bridging to Brownies
It is getting near that time of year. Bridging time. Boyo will soon move to Bears in Cub Scouts and Girlie will move to Brownies.
In Boyo's old pack they gave the boys new handbooks, kerchiefs and slides. We only had to buy the hats. I hope they do something similar in this new better homeschool friendly pack.
Since Girlie is moving to a new troop (yay this one is just homeschoolers and I am not the leader!!) I get to fund the change in uniforms.

This is where I get to have fun. It is like a huge treasure hunt. I try to find some of the stuff on Ebay so I can get a deal. I also check freecycle and then I comparison shop the online stores for the rest. I love the hunt! So sue me I don't get out much.
I am so pleased that we are moving to a homeschool troop, plus Girlie will be with BFF so we will be able to move at "homeschool pace". But best of all BFF's mom will be the one planning the meetings so that will be one stress off me.
Monday, May 4, 2009
The only child
Yep, he is gaming. Diablo to be exact. I jumped on the computer to print off a lapbook for him to work on this week and he jumped on too. On the plus side he did get dressed and now that I have everything together for schooling, he will save and log out before we hit the library. I have a feeling that Boyo will be doing schoolwork at work today.