It is getting near that time of year. Bridging time. Boyo will soon move to Bears in Cub Scouts and Girlie will move to Brownies.
In Boyo's old pack they gave the boys new handbooks, kerchiefs and slides. We only had to buy the hats. I hope they do something similar in this new better homeschool friendly pack.
Since Girlie is moving to a new troop (yay this one is just homeschoolers and I am not the leader!!) I get to fund the change in uniforms.

This is where I get to have fun. It is like a huge treasure hunt. I try to find some of the stuff on Ebay so I can get a deal. I also check freecycle and then I comparison shop the online stores for the rest. I love the hunt! So sue me I don't get out much.
I am so pleased that we are moving to a homeschool troop, plus Girlie will be with BFF so we will be able to move at "homeschool pace". But best of all BFF's mom will be the one planning the meetings so that will be one stress off me.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing blog hopping and was connected to your blog. It's very interesting especially the latest posting on scout. I'm from Malaysia and used to be involved in scout actvitiies way and I believe Boyo and Girlie will benefits from it.
Do you want my Brownies pin?
ReplyDelete- R
I am a troop leader and a homeschool mom. Kalie (8 1/2) will be bridging into Juniors in September. She has earned over 80 try its. Girl Scouts is a part of at least 3 of our school days a week.